Every year there's another chance to try your hardest to make a magical holiday season for your family, and feel stressed and lacking when what you try doesn't quite land and you don't know exactly how you missed making magic. Or you decide to sit this year out, since you're so tired and whatever you do probably won't be amazing anyway, and then you feel guilty when other people's cards start coming in the mail.

At the same time, you've got people who are expecting and asking things of you during the holidays that make you feel confused, resentful, conflicted, or used. You can't just cut them out of your life, but the thought of having to navigate their needs and expectations through the holidays is exhausting.

Join me for this two-part course on creating strategies for giving everyone what they need without losing yourself and your boundaries during the holidays.

Class 1 will teach you to isolate what each of your people need from you through the end of the year and what you can let go of, and then helps you create a written plan to do the things that make your people feel like it was a great holiday season for them. You win! Thursday, November 18, 9 pm Eastern/8 pm Central.

Class 2 will teach you to figure out how to give the complicated people in your life enough of what they really want (even if they don't realize it) from you in a way that lets you keep your boundaries healthy and strong. You win! They feel like they win! Monday, November 22, 9 pm Eastern/8 pm Central.

Both classes are on Zoom for about 90 minutes plus questions, recorded and sent out afterward.

This is all strategic, so you don't get hurt by the emotions of the relationships. We'll be creating actionable plans for you to follow, and then you just follow them. That's it. You get to have your feelings on your own terms, separate from all this relationship work.

You can do it! Just show up and I'll pull you through it and then you'll have the plan written down and you just follow it.

My work for this course is worth $129, but I'm making this pay as you can because I know things are tight for a lot of us right now. Sign up now, and I'll see you on Thursday.